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Friday, 19 October 2012

The Pagani Huarya

The Pagani Huarya is the latest model that Mr Horacio Pagani has built; productions have already started in 2011. The Pagani Huarya which is pronounced as the why-rah is an Italian mid engine, sports car producing 720bhp, with a mind blasting price tag of £850k near to the price of a Buggati Veryon. The Huarya has to be one of the machines designed by nature with wing airbrakes front and back, with a lovely touch of 4 way exhaust system that Pagani is known for. It has to be one of the best looking Pagani’s out there with neck tied to the Zonda Cinque and the Zonda 760RS.Alot of images have came in and car journalist with amazing videos of the beast that has beautiful looks and mirrors that remark a woman’s eye Mr Horacio himself has designed. It is just mind fizzing crazy of what can be done by a one man’s vision of a car and how it should be done clearly being the best and exquisite. The car has many remarks and links between cars like the Mercedes SLS AMG that uses gull wing doors that makes the Huarya look just pure awesome. There is way too much things I can talk about this car like the amazing magnesium dials in the dashboard that cost around £5k each, open manual gear linkage which is 100% exposed to let the person see the naked part of the car that is mostly hidden in many supercars. Also don’t forget the brutal Mercedes AMG twin turbo V12 engine combining a mixture of German and Italian work together. The Pagani Huarya is just staggering and am really happy that I’ve wrote something about it because of how good it is.

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