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Thursday, 3 January 2013

The Razer Sabertooth Xbox360/PC Gaming Controller

Magic from Razer has been introduced which is a new XBOX 360/PC controller called the Sabertooth gaming controller. So you are probably thinking, what is different from the Onza TE controller Razer introduced a while ago then? well, the quality of the controller is way better from the words of Razer members who do an in-depth guide on the controller and also from posts on Facebook. The looks obviously look similar but instead having 2 bumper triggers that have a similar feel and position, the extra bumper has been move to the top of the controller which makes it easier to reach also remember. Extra buttons have been included like replaceable back triggers which could come off easily with a screw driver; a newer d-pad has also been introduced with a more PS3 look kind appeal and an amazing feature of a screen on the controller which emits different modes from the small buttons each side. The Sabertooth also includes a detachable cable, which is great as always, green silicone thumb covers for extra precise control and last of all a really nice carrying case. All of that for just £69, however the price may high but you can remember you can do all of the extra movements in the game having a huge advantage of an opponent using a standard controller so this is really a big change and an advantage. As although may seem rather noobish and UN skilled it’s defiantly a buy if you constantly playing your game and want an extra edge of buttons to map.

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