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Sunday, 27 January 2013

The Sony Xperia Tablet Z

Sony has finally released a new tablet called the Xperia Tablet Z, which does in fact share the looks and similar aspects of the Xperia Z Smartphone. The Tablet Z features a very realistic image of what Sony can do with the shape and also thickness of a tablet, which many do struggle.  However the specs are quite similar to most high end smart phones and tablets, but the thickness just gives this tablet a whole new tier with just 6.9mm thin it’s clearly the world’s thinnest tablet. However don’t be put down by the thin form factor specs since the resolution will certainly keep your eye drawing with a LED backlit LCD 10.1 inch display out putting 1920x1200 and the pixel density of 224ppi. The weight also is an amazing touch of just 495g, which makes carrying around this tablet light weight. Although the specs are quite well done, the main reason of the tablet is to look forward is the design. Which Sony clearly steals the show of ideas and ergonomics, since their smart phones have been doing well in design also with the hardware to match. The tablet also features 4G LTE and Wi-Fi, 2GB memory and a stunning 8.1 MP camera. The tablet will run Android Jelly Bean 4.1 and the pricing is soon to be announced by Sony.

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