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Wednesday 17 July 2013

10,000 Checkpoint Reached!

Today, am very delighted and happy to see reach an amazing mark of 10,000 views global. This mark was very impressive for me since it shows how much effort and work put in this website, outcomes to pushing me more with motivation and determination to make more posts. Which even in times its rough and time consuming, but on the other hand its fun and great. Since i learn tonnes more making posts for my own viewers gained on various social network. Also helping people with reviews, opinion and news. My goal always for this website is to reach impressive marks like 10,000 and hopefully in the future more. It amazes me how far i reached with 1 view to 10,000 in under one year for a person like me. Who is very keen on technology, cars and videos games. I thank you, my visitors giving me every view and support for this website to grow. Without you, this wouldnt be possible and am glad to have this website running up for many years to come.

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