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Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Gamescom 2013 Is Here With All Dates And Times!

One of the worlds biggest gaming events takes once again this year called Gamescom. Taken place in Germany Cologne, many game developers and companies will once travel again to provide their consumers enough knowledge to hear their eyes sparkle. Things that weren't really 100% shown at E3 2013. Will be shown today or over a course to 2-4 days for the Public. So in order to find about new things, we need a date and time. So right now i will give you some handy dandy links in order to watch live streams and feeds. But, many other game companies such as Microsoft didn't even hold a live stream for the viewers, so i will give you some links to hear about that particular event.
Gamescom 2013

20th August 2013

EA press conference live stream:

UK: 3pm to 4pm
ET: 10am to 11am
PT: 7am to 8am

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