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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Humble Origin Jaw Dropping Game Bundle

Well it seems like my luck has struck while on twitter surfacing, i've notice a strange word trending. Which was "Origin" so i wondered and saw a bunch of tweets saying "8 amazing games for what you pay". So i shuddered and said to myself wait a minute is this really true?. Then i checked out the games  in the bundle which left my jaw to drop as Dead Space 1 and 3, Burnout Paradise Complete Edition, Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, Mirror Edge, Medal Of Honor, Battlefield 3 and Sims 3. 8 amazing titles for the price you want to pay. Which is only $4.55 (£2.93) a complete bargain for all 8 of the games. So how on Earth is this possible, well this cost you pay is 100% going to charity meaning you will be donating your money for good cause. To charities like Human Rights Campaign, Watsi, American Cancer Society, American Red Cross and San Francisco Aids Foundation. So hurry up now as this bundle is available for only 13 days!

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