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Thursday, 19 December 2013

New Lamborghini Gallardo Replacement Called Huracan?

It seems like I've faded away from making car posts. But I will try to make more. Like this one as Lamborghini have leaked or announced the new Gallardo replacement named Huracan. Which many thought the name was Caberra. However Lamborghini decided Huracan might be the final name after all. Which may sound angry, but we all know Lamborghini's are no quite toys after all. However the rumored specs of the replacement is packing in around 610 BHP. With the 4WD format similar to the Gallardo and previous big bulls. Nevertheless Lamborghini never disappoint with their lovely sleek and stylish cars. As this one resemblances the Aventador by a small margin due to its front nose. Making many call it the "Baby Aventador". Which in some cases is acceptable, but calling the car Huracan is far more awesome and aggressive. In conclusion the car is just an evil looking monster, as I normally expect from Lamborghini. And I really do enjoy the lovely new design Lamborghini have came out with. Since Lamborghini haven't made the Gallardo competitive to the Ferrari 458 or the McLaren MP4-12c. So I can expect big things to come out from Lamborghini in the next 5 years or so down the line.

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