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Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It might have been a very long time since I've done a post. But in the holidays, I just forget and let my PlayStation 4 take my soul away. As its finally arrived on the 23rd of December (thank god). But its not the only gift I've received. The other gift is this website right now and my YouTube channel. You people have raised throughout my career. Which is developing slowly but effectively compared to how I though YouTube will work. That made me carry on and stick to my own creativity and mindset of making videos for fun. I mean for this website I had no intention of reaching a 10k+ view mark. For someone little like me. Because the way media outlets and websites work is through different people and recognition. Which clearly my channel has no participation of since its purely started from the bottom. As I've predicted a very long time and still has. However the progress may be slow for my YouTube and Website. But it doesn't affect me anyway as patience is the key to success. That gives more depth and time to sink in whenever its possible to make a great video or regular video. In conclusion am very happy with the progress I've made on this website and my YouTube channel. That I wish to grow until it explodes. Thanks and I hope you have a great year for 2014.

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