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Saturday, 18 January 2014

My 2014 Gaming Setup

Its always that time of year where I make a gaming setup tour. So here is my 2014 gaming setup with some tiny changes and replacements. How ever the majority of my Gaming Setup Video stays the same, so don't expect alot of changes in the setup. Also thank you for giving me a great 2013 year with my YouTube and this website. Which I hope to continue in 2014 peacefully and greatly.

Gaming Setup Unboxing Videos

PlayStation 4 -

Intuos Creative Pen Tablet -

Anker Astro Slim 2 4500mah Battery -

EVGA GeForce GTX 650 TI Boost SC -

Bamboo Pen Tablet -

Logitech x530 5.1 Surround Sound Speakers

Avid M-Audio Condenser Microphone -
Hauppauge HD PVR

Sony Playstation 3 Slim 160GB > 250GB -
Sony Playstation Vita -
Logitech Webcam Pro 9000

iPhone 5 32GB Black/Slate -
Belkin Sheer Matte View Case iPhone 5 -

Razer Lycosa Gaming Keyboard

Razer Salmosa Gaming Mouse

Razer Goliathus Gaming Mouse Mat

PC SPECIFICATIONS - Acer M7721 09Intel Core i7 920 @2.6GHZEVGA GeForce GTX 650 TI Boost SC
Corsair Vengeance 8GB + 2GB Ram (10GB Total)
1TB + 250GB HDD
Windows 7

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