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Thursday, 31 October 2013

The Google Nexus 5 Is Official

The new Nexus phone from Google is here, the Nexus 5. Which looks amazing with its thin and long construction, that many phone companies are doing nowadays. The Nexus 5 was leaked a few weeks ago with its shape and colour similar to the final design seen today officially. Google hasn't been on the case so much for the recent Nexus devices since its only been the Nexus 7. That has got a massive change compared to the previous model. With the Nexus 4, its been hardly touched since launch. As the new phone from Google the Nexus 5 is officially. Specifications have been leaked before as the official photo from Google shows a new 4.9" screen featuring a 1920x1080 HD resolution. The CPU is a Quadcom 2.3ghz Snapdragon 800. Which is backed up with a 2GB ram, LTE and 2,300mah Battery to keep this phone alive. As far colours go, the Nexus 5 is coming out with a Black/Grey finish and White/Steel finish. That is far enough better from what the Nexus 4 offered day one with its Black only finish. The memory available for this phone is 16GB and 32GB. From Hardware to OS it will feature the brand new Android KitKat 4.4. As it will be the first phone to run this new OS from Google. That will feature many new touches and looks towards a new sleeker and smoother Android experience. Prices are going to be a small side expensive as it will be £299 for 16GB and £339 for 32GB. But for the specifications, OS and looks. This phone will be worth every penny as it seems.

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